2 min readAug 30, 2021


Cease Fire!

I surrender.

My nerves can take no more. Ever feel this way?

The early disciples knew this feeling well. Persecuted by their own people, the dominant religion, and the oppressive government. The apostle Paul was directed by Jesus to help His disciples.

In his letter to the Philippians, chapter 4:6–7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

These are not platitudes.

God provides Scripture for us. We are to ponder each word or thought. For example, Do not be anxious…”, what a blessed command. How many times in a day would you like to have this reminder from God? Anxiety is a way of life for us in 2021. We must stay informed, but God’s command is to live your life knowing He is with you. (Who could be against you?)

“…in every situation, by prayer and petition” During your day, do you ever close your eyes and say a brief prayer? God wants you to come before Him with every desire, concern, and worry. He never tires of hearing from you and wants you to come to Him because that act is healing for you — you are brought closer to God.

“…with thanksgiving” How often that we cry out to God in our anguish but fail to thank Him for all he has done for us. If nothing else, we can thank Him for being our God and giving us His Son so that we can come to Him in prayer, “…present our requests to God.”

“And the peace of God” There is nothing more comforting than knowing the peace God has provided to those who believe. Scripture is full of stories about martyrs, men, and women blessed by the peace of God. Today there has begun a new emergence of people experiencing God’s peace and teaching that peace through their examples of a new way of living.

“…which transcends all understanding” We may not know how this peace arrives; however, we know the absolute calm that settles over us like a warm blanket on a cold night.

“…will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Every second of your day can be lived within the peace of God if only you invite Jesus to rule your thoughts, motives, and your actions. God’s peace is given upon request when we submit to our King of Kings.

Anxiety today is ever-present. The pandemic, government mismanagement, and the revolution in our society cause great stress — stress that can only be alleviated by adherence to these words from God. As you go through your day today, take with you as much of this Scripture as you can remember or write it out on a piece of paper to refer to several times. Thank God for these words, take them as your own personal directive from the God that knows you and loves you.

