2 min readAug 22, 2021


Divorced — Whose Side Are You On?

Old news. Our world resembles a bad divorce. Discord is the national anthem.

On one side are people believing in the traditional and moral values given by God as the bedrock for mankind. But these principles fly in the face of today’s manifestation of a progressive, post-modernism lifestyle promoting self-adoration, self-actualization, and narcissism.

Every day the news is the same.


Tradition, the old ways, produced an environment beneficial to many people. Today’s emphasis on the individual leaves no room for others. Self-absorption, the “new” way, is a cataract dimming our view of the needs of others. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the constant drumbeat for new. So far, what has “new” done for the world?

In the book of Jeremiah, we find God reacting to Israel’s desire to find a new way. They decided that God’s way was not for them, even though God still promised them peace and safety. Instead, their new way, one in which they worshiped man-made idols, was the precursor to their total destruction.

One of the new beliefs calls for the removal of God from our society. The driving force of those against God is to eliminate perceived restrictions upon behavior. Some people think happiness comes from an unfettered lifestyle. They want to do what they want, when they want, and how they want, without concern for any others. We see it today in riots, demonstrations against order, and outright anarchy.

As I witness this new way and the results, I long for the “old” way, when people showed respect for each other by honoring them as a child of God (even if they didn’t say it that way).

The traditional lifestyle involves a family of people nurturing and building others up. The new way is solitary, self-absorbed, and wants to destroy those unlike them.

God’s message to Jerimiah in 6:16, “Stop right where you are! Look for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find peace for your souls” has resonated throughout history. Our souls long for peace, I know mine does, and these simple instructions highlight a life of tradition exemplifying the benefits of living God’s way. A way that lifts all people up, helping all people to grow and live together. Don’t look for something new, just because it is shiny, be enveloped by the old, and bask in the peace. Your heart will leap for joy!

