3 min readNov 9, 2021


Not The Way I Planned

The world is a difficult place to survive. Sometimes life has so many confusing pathways to travel we end up in the wrong place or it’s too overwhelming and we just don’t move.

With all the responsibilities we have, it can feel like life is sitting on our chests crushing our lungs.

Proverbs 6:3 says, “In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth.” (MSG)

Oh, please I’d like some of that!

How much easier life would be if we took Proverbs 3:5–7 to heart. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.” (NASB)

Barry Zito, a prestigious Cy Young award winner in the American League, had the brightest future. But things changed. After his career began to show downturns, he found himself at a very low point in his life.

Finally, his girlfriend told him to lock up all of his self-help books and open the Bible she had given him.

He did. He found the help he needed.

Out of that experience, Barry came to Christ.

Doing it yourself, although touted on television, is not the best way to live.

God made us to rely on Him. Starting with Abraham, God said to have faith in Him and do as He directed. Abraham and Sarai, his wife, were almost 100 hundred years old, but God told them they would have a son. Not part of Abraham’s plans.

God told Abraham to leave his very comfortable life of plenty, in a safe environment, and go to a foreign land unknown to him.

Not part of Abraham’s plans. But listening and acting on what God told him resulted in his becoming the father of God’s chosen people.

Joseph, one of Abraham’s grandchildren, knew he was the favorite of his father Jacob and was planning on taking over much of his father’s fortune. Jacob was very wealthy both in land and in numbers of livestock.

Joseph had dreamt that his eleven brothers would be bowing down to him in the future, and he told them about it. Needless to say, the brothers were not pleased. They planned on killing him.

But God had other plans.

Joseph’s brothers threw him in a pit, sold him to some travelers, he wound up in Egypt and suffered through several years of abuse. But ultimately became the second most powerful man in the land.

What started as Joseph’s plans for his life, were superseded by God and he became a blessing to his family.

Saul of Tarsus’s plans were to wipe out the followers of Jesus. God had different plans for Saul, who became Paul. His ways were not Paul’s ways. The result was the creation of one of the most influential evangelists for Christ.

Paul created the original Christian churches throughout the Mediterranean countries. He became the author of most of the New Testament and he brought the Good News to Jews and non-Jews alike.

Inviting God into our planning sessions opens opportunities for success — heavenly success.

Today, submit your plans to God.

In James 4:13–15, he admonishes readers not to make plans that do not first ask God if they are within His will.

Finally, in Romans 8:28 we are assured that God works everything together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

Heed the call, let Him lead your life.

