3 min readOct 2, 2021


We’ve Been Given It All!

Ever have that acquaintance or relative that rubs you the wrong way? The one you cannot be all that nice to because, let’s face it, they don’t treat you the way you think you should be treated.

Yeah, me too.

I have invested years in a relationship, out of necessity, with a person whose face would show up in Webster’s Dictionary for the definition of “pompous.” No matter what I might do or say it was never accurate enough, nor elegant enough to receive a nod of acknowledgment. And this knowledge is passed down to me with disdain and aloofness, as one who would scrape gum off the bottom of their shoe.

Annoyed, aggravated, and just plain irritated are the feelings I have felt.

While on a car trip with plenty of time for discussions with my wife, we explored these feelings I have. Having the skill to discern truth from fiction, she pointed out my shortcomings. Imagine! Yes, the more I took her words in the more I felt as if God was speaking. My life is not all about me. Not too long ago I realized that my purpose in life was to serve others. So, I needed to admit servants are to serve and there are no requirements that those we serve must recognize our efforts.

In 2 Peter 1:3, I found a touching message. “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” (NLT)

The first sentence of this Scripture provides the foundation for living our lives. God has been gracious enough to provide the template, through the image of Jesus, for us to model our lives. Lives worthy of our Creator. Jesus never once demanded respect, or reverence, or even acknowledgment for His life of service. Instead, He only wanted us to see the Father through his actions.

The second sentence states in part, “We have received all of this by coming to know him…” Bible study reveals God’s history, His desires, and His goals for His people. Reading about Him, and in solitude listening for Him, enables us to draw closer, to prayerfully develop the intimate relationship He wants with us. This action facilitates the righteous lifestyle needed to serve others as we are directed. Being aware of God and His plans alters our lives for the better.

Jesus is the image of God’s promises to mankind. He is the way to escape the disintegration that lust produces in the world, and He is the way we reach out to others in love.

God wrote Scripture for humans. He knows that these words can direct our lives, and it means even you and me can be affected. Will we ever live righteous lives? Not always, but we can work on, that is, intentionally do the things we know God wants, for us to be a blessing to others.

Go out there today and serve without expectation; live your life as God directs for the betterment of you and others. Your soul will soar as you do God’s will, making your life incredible and you will be that light upon the hill.

